Our team

Frog.paris is a team of experienced sales & marketing  "market proven" managers.

They Evaluate the Market,

Sell to your first clients

set up a sales support network.


we are helping exporters to enter the franco zone.



why ?

because the franco zone is a big and sustainable market (80 Millions european francophones, north africa & francophone Africa)

because francophones love new and exciting products,

because we are curious about the outside world, its cultures, products and services. 


So even if the Franco-zone may look like a castle protected by a multilayer (European and national) complex corpus of laws, in the end you have millions of enthousiastic customers waiting for you. 


Fear not the complexity of the francophone trade regulations,

we have the power to make you enter!



Our gene (... is trade)

Un jour viendra où il n'y aura plus d'autres champs de bataille que les marchés s'ouvrant au commerce et les esprits s'ouvrant aux idées.
Read more at http://www.dicocitations.com/citation.php?mot=Commerce#yskHFBfQ3dZjDfG0.99

"Je suis bien persuadé avec vous que le pays où le commerce est le plus libre sera toujours le plus riche et le plus florissant, proportion gardée."


Correspondance, à M. l'abbé Roubaud, 1er juillet 1769